Wednesday 13 February 2013

Research Of Animated Gif's

Research Of Animated Gif's

This animated Gif of Peter Griffin Vs The Chicken was made for fun. This is  on a continues loop

This animated  move of the Gangnam Style Dance was made for fun. This is  on a continues loop

This animated Gif of a TV with static move was made for fun.  This is  on a continues loop

This animated Gif of a Weeping Angel moving was made for fun. This is on a continues loop like thew other Gif's I researched

This animated Gif of a stick figure waving move was made for fun. This is  on a continues loop

My own animated GIF

This is the image that I have chosen to make my own animated Gif.

This animated Gif of a tennis ball moving and shrinking that I made move was made for fun. This is on a continues loop.

Looking at professional animated GIF'S

Here is a link to the Aardman website which has a animated GIF on the home page. It is on a loop and it is interactive because you click on a cartoon and it will do something. The Aardman GIF is more complex because mine is just a simple motion tween with no interactivity.

This is a game which has been made in Flash for Bear Behaving Badly. It isn't as complicated as Aardman's but it still has interactivity.

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